Dr. Emanuele Cozzi

Scientific Advisor

Emanuele Cozzi is a clinical immunologist with extensive clinical and preclinical expertise in the field of allo- and xeno-transplantation. Prof. Cozzi played a pivotal role in the development of the first transgenic hog (hCD55) of IMUTRAN (a British biotechnology company, Novartis subsidiary) and established preclinical evidence for the usefulness of genetic modification of complement proteins in the survival of pig xenograft in primates.

Emanuele Cozzi is the author of more than 150 international scientific publications and is considered one of the world’s leading experts on xenotransplantation in primates. He was the co-ordinator of the European Xenome program (completed in 2012) and today the coordinator of the Europan Translink project, and he was President of the International Xenotransplantation Association (IXA) until October 2011. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the National Center for Transplantation (CNT-Rome) and coordinator of the Italian desensitization program in the hyperimmunized patient.

Prof Cozzi is a scientific advisor for Xenothera and he brings to our company its worldwide expertise on xenotherapy topics.